About Program
Under the aegis of Sankalchand Patel University (SPU) and Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering (SPCE), Department of Management is offering AICTE approved & University Approved various MBA program.
Department of Management, SPCE (Earlier SK-MBA) is a reputed institute amongst the academic fraternity and recognized for its pioneering practices from 1999. The Department of Management (SKMBA) is famous for its unique method of teaching which ensures holistic development of the students.
FMS offers two MBA program in Management studies & One Integrated MBA program (5 years, after 12th) which aims to prepare students for a variety of a career opportunities at corporate level. Intake of Various MBA program.
We offers specialization in the area of Marketing Management, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, International Business, Business Analytics and Public Administration.
We strongly emphasize on practical learning and development of various types of skills in our students. We help our students to develop various skills like problem solving, critical thinking, out of box thinking, presentation, negotiation, soft &life skills.
We encourage our students to become entrepreneur and support their entrepreneurial zeal.
We train our students to participate& organize different curricular and extracurricular activities. These activities includes Simulation, Management Game, Business Plan Competition, Cultural Fest- Uddan, Quiz Competition, Stock Market Game, ADMAD Show, Business Hunt and Product design Competition.
We take our students to knowledge tour, in which they see best practices of different industry.

Intake : 180
Course Duration: 2 Years
Fees (Yearly) : Rs. 81,500/-
Graduation with minimum of 50% marks (45% marks in-case of reserved category candidates)

Intake : 90
Course Duration: 5 Years
Fees (Yearly) : Rs. 40,000
Our Esteemed Placement Partners